Let me help you to release resistance:

To attract more opportunity, ideal clients and flow into your life & business.

You’ve heard of The Law of Attraction.

You believe that it’s real and you’ve had some good experiences so far.

But you’re stuck.

You’ve hit a block, a rut or an obstacle.

This is called Resistance – and it’s frustrating!

That feeling of frustration only makes things worse, and you start to attract more of what you don’t want and less of what you do. This in turn can become a self-fulfilling prophecy that supports any negative self-talk that you had hanging around in the first place… Jeez!

Here are a few things to consider.

1) You are the main energy in your life and business, so what you draw into your life and business is based on YOUR stuff.

2) If you have unresolved, unprocessed and unhealed experiences in your past – you also have that energy in your vibration and this can create resistance to the good stuff, flow, ideal clients and awesome opportunities.

3) If you have inherited beliefs that are outdated and sabotaging, they might be running the show.  Their effect can be two-fold. Firstly, they can influence your behavior such as stopping you from showing up, selling, telling your ideal client how you can help them, and pricing properly. Secondly, they form part of your vibration so will create energetic resistance that blocks flow, abundance and opportunity.

4) If you have any unworthiness programming from toxic relationships, the school bully,  unconscious parents, frenemies, mean managers or co-workers or anyone else, this will create resistance to the flow. Because deep down you are accidently radiating a frequency that you are not good enough (obviously not true!) and this creates even more resistance to opportunity, flow and goodness.

5) If you have historical money trauma, or your story about money is not supporting you to get to the next level. We can unpack that and review it consciously in the present, illuminating distortions and programming that needs to be re written. I can help you to clear up money trauma in your timeline – psychologically, emotionally and energetically.

Can you see how your energy and your beliefs could be sabotaging you from making the impact and the income that you dream about and deserve?

If this is resonating with you I can help.

I combine powerful coaching with energy work to assist you to get great results.
My clients have experienced amazing mindset shifts, elevation in their vibration and quantum leaps forward in worthiness, confidence and identity.
This creates an up levelling in their life and business, and it can be transformational on all levels.

Kate is my go to energy clearer. As an empathic business woman, we can hold so much stuff, a lot of which is not ours as we absorb others energy. I go to Kate for a energetic clearing. I feel immediately better as she is able to quickly get to the root cause in order to carry out a reset. A spiritual ctrl, alt, delete. Thank you Kate for all you do.
Jo Soley


The results were amazing. The messages were exactly what I needed to hear (spookily accurate) and the clearing results explained a lot of my stuck-ness. Within a couple of days everything changed. I got totally back into flow, I simplified my business, implemented all the messages from the reading and sales started to come in immediately. My business has transformed into something that brings me and my clients joy, and is wildly profitable. What’s not to love?
Claire Mitchell

CEO and Marketing Coach

Providing a sacred space during coaching calls where there is no judgment, Kate provides a tremendous listening ear for ideas and challenges. After so much momentum and progress, I can’t imagine her not being in the arena with me as I continue to fulfill my mission and purpose in life.
Kate definitely stands for her clients’ greatness. Somehow I always feel taller and more capable after a call.
As a coach, I wholeheartedly believe I have no business coaching my clients without investing in my own coaching. Kate is the perfect coach if you want to become wildly successful! If you are looking for support to produce a result or realize your gifts, Kate is going to help you bring your vision into fruition.
Kathy Murray

CEO and Master Relationship Coach, Laura Doyle Connect

Coaching and Energy Packages

At this time I am offering a choice of one month, three month or six month coaching packages. Scroll through to see the bonuses and prices savings when choosing a longer period. But if you just want a month – that’s fine, too! I can’t wait to help you grow. Love, Kate xx


I combine powerful coaching with energy work to assist you in getting great results.
My clients have experienced amazing mindset shifts, elevations in their vibration, and quantum leaps forward in worthiness, confidence and identity.
This creates an upleveling in their life and business, and it can be transformational on all levels.

During our Month Together

2 x 60-minute Laser Coaching Calls on Zoom

1 x Remote Energy Alignment / Clearing Session

Additional ad-hoc support on email or FB messenger.


All this for just £799

Payment plan available



Three Months VIP Coaching

I combine powerful coaching with energy work to assist you in getting great results.
My clients have experienced amazing mindset shifts, elevations in their vibration, and quantum leaps forward in worthiness, confidence and identity.
This creates an upleveling in their life and business, and it can be transformational on all levels.

During our THREE Months Together

6 x 60-minute Laser Coaching Calls on Zoom.

3 x Remote Energy Alignment / Clearing Sessions

Additional ad hoc support on email or FB messenger.

* Bonus*
1 x Hour Oracle Card Reading on zoom

All this for just £2250 (Payment plan available)



Six Months VIP Coaching

I combine powerful coaching with energy work to assist you in getting great results.
My clients have experienced amazing mindset shifts, elevations in their vibration, and quantum leaps forward in worthiness, confidence and identity.
This creates an upleveling in their life and business, and it can be transformational on all levels.

During our SIX Months Together

12 x 60-minute Laser Coaching Calls on Zoom.

6 x Remote Energy Alignment / Clearing Sessions

Additional ad hoc support on email or FB messenger.

* Bonus 1*
2 x 1 Hour Oracle Card Readings on Zoom

* Bonus 2 *
Remote house or workplace energy clearing with report

This is the ultimate package for just £3999

Payment plans available



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