The New Moon is associated with manifesting your hopes, dreams and desires.
Try this simple moon ritual to help magnify your manifesting.
Things you will need:
– Candle and matches
– Soft background music
– Pen and paper
– Glass of water
Light a candle and choose some soft music.
Breathe and allow yourself to enter a safe space, get grounded and ask all parts of you come into the now time.
Ask yourself what it is you need and want to release, if nothing comes to you then you can name and claim this instead with the affirmation “I AM releasing anything and everything that is not in accordance with my highest good right now”.
Write a list, or at least write this affirmation, and then fold it and hold it over your heart chakra.
Call to your guides, the angels, your higher self and the universe to support you.
Give thanks for the lessons and the experience that you can carry forwards, and ask the ascended master St Germain to blaze the Violet Flame through your list and everything that it represents in order to transmute and clear. Invoke Archangel Michael to help you to cut cords that have bound you, and ask that this is done.
Then take your list and safely burn it, asking that this is completed for the greatest and highest good of everyone concerned.
Take some deep breaths and have some water, this helps with integration.
Now call to your soul and ask what it is you want to co-create.
Start to journal or list what you desire, if you have trouble getting started then ask yourself – how do I want to feel, or what do I want more of in my life?
For me it was joy, happiness, love, laughter and wellbeing.
Once I had written these words down I asked myself what would bring me these experiences.
I saw that family time, connection, time with friends and self care were important.

From there I could see that I wanted to have a family holiday, and that I wanted to work on looking after my physical body more. This resulted in me being able to write some powerful affirmations that I am including in my Manifesting List with the New Moon. Start with I AM and add in even more energy as you engage with your higher self and state these affirmations in a present moment time frame. This allows the universe to shore up even more positivity and start joining the dots for you that will begin to create the bigger picture.
Once I have my Manifesting List I like to keep it in a lovely box that I have with crystals and I send energy and good intentions to it throughout the month, I also spend time visualising my experience with the things in that I asked for in order to send out the vibration that The Universe can match.
Here are examples of general affirmations that you may want to include in yours.
I AM brimming with health and positive energy.
I AM loving my life and the experiences it brings me.
I AM blessed to have people around me that fill me up and make me laugh.
I AM grateful for all of the wonderful opportunities life brings me every day.
I AM a fortunate person and life supports me hugely.
Use them regularly in your self talk to help draw in what you what to experience.
Happy Manifesting!