Are things not Flowing in your life?
Are you feeling stuck?
Trouble sleeping?
Relationships a bit of a challenge?
Do you feel a bit meh?
Feeling this way can be super frustrating.
More so when you are actually doing the work.
Cutting the cords, healing the wounds and working on forgiveness.
Saying the affirmations and doing the lining up.
Cutting the cords, healing the wounds and working on forgiveness.
Saying the affirmations and doing the lining up.
And still it’s not happening.
You start to think maybe its you……
OR maybe its your house.
OR maybe its your house.
Energy settles in layers in your home, like fine cosmic dust that you aren’t aware of.
Every time someone comes into the space they leave vibration, and these add up.
We are multidimensional energetic beings after all.
You can’t often detect this in your own space, because you are in it all of the time.
There is no contrast, so you might feel “off” but can’t put your finger on it.
You might feel like things just aren’t adding up, doors don’t open for that new job, house sale or opportunity.
There is no contrast, so you might feel “off” but can’t put your finger on it.
You might feel like things just aren’t adding up, doors don’t open for that new job, house sale or opportunity.
Good quality sleep for you and your family seems elusive.
People aren’t connecting as they should, misunderstandings and irritations rob you of peace.
Money flow slows down or stops and you feel more stress.
(This deposits more of that vibration in that space and so the cycle continues.)
Energy clouds are forming and hanging around that are pulling down your vibration.
This affects how you feel, how you show up and what you attract.
It makes life loads harder than it needs to be and it keeps you stuck.
Clearing your space is the only answer, and its easy to do yourself.
You don’t need to pay someone else or spend loads of money on special tools.
You don’t need to pay someone else or spend loads of money on special tools.
You can do it easily and effectively with intention and the bare minimum of kit.
Here are some ideas you can try –
1) Sound is an incredible energy shifter.
Use bells, clap into corners where energy gets stuck and chant.
You might want to wait until your neighbours go to work!
Use bells, clap into corners where energy gets stuck and chant.
You might want to wait until your neighbours go to work!
2) Sage smudging.
Dried sage smudge sticks are readily available and super easy to use.
Make sure when you light the sage and allow it to start to smoke you walk around your house with it on a plate or in a tin for safety reasons.
Open the windows, and don’t do this if you like somewhere with a sprinkler system that is smoke activated – obviously.
3) Violet Flame Bombing.
Call to St Germain, he is an Ascended Master and the keeper of the Violet Flame.
Ask that he fills your space with this and transmutes and negative or low vibration vibes.
4) Water.
Leave a bowl of water out overnight in a room, and ask that it absorbs any thing that needs to be released.
Give thanks in the morning and pour it down the sink or toilet!
Give thanks in the morning and pour it down the sink or toilet!
5) Reiki Symbols.
Or other sacred symbols of peace and healing can be drawn in the air with your fingers and intended to help support energy clearing.
They can also be drawn on paper and put underneath sofas and such.
Check with a pendulum to see what goes where, especially if it is someone’s favourite seat.
They can also be drawn on paper and put underneath sofas and such.
Check with a pendulum to see what goes where, especially if it is someone’s favourite seat.
6) Crystals.
Obviously keep out of reach of children where choking might be an issue.
Crystals are GREAT at absorbing and transmuting energy.
Put them in places where the energy feels stuck or use your pendulum to guide you and to choose which crystal goes where in your home, remember to clear them under running water once in a while, or use moonlight and sunlight to clear and charge.
Crystals are GREAT at absorbing and transmuting energy.
Put them in places where the energy feels stuck or use your pendulum to guide you and to choose which crystal goes where in your home, remember to clear them under running water once in a while, or use moonlight and sunlight to clear and charge.
Check out my Membership —-> There are classes in my library about Space Clearing & Energy Work
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