I am going to say something really controversial here.

Giving your power away to a Psychic is dangerous.
Before you start blowing your stack – hear me out.
I didn’t say Psychics were dangerous – i said giving your power away to one is.
And any Psychic that sits in their integrity will agree with this wholeheartedly.
I’ll follow that with giving your power away to ANYONE is dangerous and naive.

And I feel that there is a culture in new age and spiritual circles, where healers, psychics, and other “helper” type people are put up on pedestals all too easily. I am a great believer in empowering yourself and empowering others, and at the same time I am open to going to my go to psychic medium lady when I feel I want a reading (you’ll find her on the Kate Loves section of my website).

Am I a hypocrite?

I don’t think so.

Firstly I know that the person that reads for me has integrity and is honest.
That’s super important because there are a lot of people out there that (perhaps subconsciously) seek significance for their ego, and you end up getting more of their opinion rather than a reading.

Secondly I take what I need.
I exercise discernment – which to me is a two part process.

Initially I am open to all of the information that I am getting, and I gather it up.
Then I see how I feel and what I resonate with personally.

I allow myself to take on board what feels right, and to dismiss or shelve what doesn’t.
And that doesn’t mean that the person who is reading for me is inaccurate.
It means that they are Human.
And that everything they bring through is filtered through an ego and a personality.
That folks is a FACT.

I also remember that nothing is set in stone.
Law of Attraction is happening ALL of the time for ALL of us.
There is an ebb and flow, a state of flux in the universe that is always going on.
This means that someone that is reading for you can only ever give you a snap shot of what is going on now, and any likely future possibilities they pick up from the energy that they are connected to right now.

But what mediumship and the spirits that the reader gathers information from?
In my opinion the same thing applies.
They give information to the medium that is reading, based on what they observe.
Yes – they can observe differently to us.
BUT this does not mean that absolutely everything that you are given in a reading is always accurate, all of the time.
When people pass over to spirit, they don’t suddenly evolve into an ascended master.
If they were an angry, resentful and unconscious person on earth and this was unresolved when they passed over, there will still be a personality there that carries these traits.
Their perspective on your life is still THEIR perspective, and their truth – rather than THE truth or infact your truth.

So what’s the point in having a reading at all then?
It’s a cosmic heads up of the energy that is at play right now, and based on that any likely future possibilities.
That’s my understanding of the process, and I find that really empowering because it allows me to make positive change if I want to, based on what I hear.
Having a reading can be insightful, useful and help you hugely with decision making, guidance and direction in your life.
As long as you don’t treat it as something absolutely concrete.
Because this is giving your power away.
You’ll unconsciously adapt your behaviour to match up with what you were told, and you’ll start to expect the outcomes that were mentioned.
This will create them in your attraction field and you’ll start to draw in examples, which will lead to psychological evidence that “it’s real” and you’ll expect the rest of the reading to come true (and it might, but remember that they are future POSIBILITIES).
When you live like this you start to miss opportunitues, you can’t stay present and you can contaminate your life by feeling like you are a victim of fate and there is no other outcome for you.
I know, because I’ve done it and its self sabotaging to the extreme.

I’m absolutely not saying don’t have a reading from a Psychic.
I’m saying don’t give your power away.
Choose someone with a great reputation and who stands in integrity and honesty.
Listen openly and enjoy the experience, then take what is in resonance with you and only that.
Know that you have been presented with likely future possibilities because of the energy at play right now and that this can always change.
Stay in your power and honor their gift, but always know that you are your own best expert.
What feels right to you IS right for you.
And any genuine Psychic would totally agree.

What do you think?
What is your experience of psychics and readings?
Let me know in the comments section.

Love Kate x

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