I know this feeling!
Like the whole world wants a piece of you and you have nothing left to give, and especially nothing left to give yourself. And then the guilt starts to kick in, because you are a parent, a partner, a daughter, a colleague, an employee, an employer, a friend.
You want to show up for the people you love and care about, the people that you have a duty to.
But you’re wrung out, strung out and worn out.

It seems so counter intuitive when you are big hearted soul and you want to help others but you HAVE to learn to put yourself first. Because if you don’t, then everyone around you gets an inferior version of you, and you unintentionally send out a vibrational message to the universe that your time and energy don’t matter. Then Law of Attraction steps in and starts to send you a whole load more shit that is gonna steal your time and energy – because they don’t matter, right?

Here is a super simple metaphor that can help you to reclaim your energy and hold onto it moving forwards.
I call it Tin Bucket Self Care.
Think of your daily energy allocation being poured into your bucket.
You’ve got enough in there at the beginning of every day to do all of the things you need to do, and you should have some left for fun, connection, recreation and more.

Holes in Your Bucket!

But here’s the rub – many of us have holes in our buckets.
These represent the energy drains in our lives, and these holes can be small enough to create a trickle or they can be the start of a gusher!
You probably know about some of the holes in your bucket.
As you read this there may be certain people or situations in your life coming to mind that you know full well take your energy and drain you.

Knowing this is a great start, but I invite you to dig even deeper.

What about your diet?
The stuff you watch on television or the time you spend on social media?
What about unresolved issues in your life or unfinished business from the past?
Is your environment peaceful and harmonious?
Do you drink too much alcohol or caffeine?
Is drama something that you engage in?
Do you watch the news?
Is your sleep pattern and quality of sleep good?

These are just a few suggestions of holes in your bucket that you may not have yet considered.
Finding 5 minutes and allowing yourself to write a whole biog brain dump of a list is super helpful when identifying your drains. Because once you know what they are, you can get to work on filling the holes or at least reducing the flow of energy that you are losing.

Ask yourself what action steps you could take to help plug any gaps.

What could you get rid of completely on your list?

Perhaps it’s the belief that you really should make sure that everything is ironed, but you hate ironing and it sucks out your energy and your happy.
On reflection you realize that this an inherited belief and you absolutely don’t need to retain it – no one has ever been logged as saying “I wish I had ironed another sock” on their deathbed.
Chuck that belief out, sod it off along with the fear that someone might judge you for not having everything ironed to perfection – and then make a new agreement with yourself that you will only iron what is absolutely necessary.

Or Delegate?

If there is stuff on your list that you cannot get rid of but you know drains you, ask yourself is there a way that you can delegate this task? Could you get someone in the family or household involved in helping you with it, or could you pay someone to assist you? You would be helping them to get into the flow and yourself as well.

Or Make it Easier?

And finally is there a way to make any of the things on your list just plain easier?
Online food shopping is a great example of this, instead of driving to the supermarket, braving the aisles and driving all the way back – you could easily shop online and eliminate all of that energy leakage.

And what about Filling Your Bucket?

Look for things that bring you joy and happiness.
What could you do more of in your life that would make your soul sing?
How does your heart feel happy?
Perhaps you love to help others, or maybe you find your happy in creative pursuits, adrenaline sports or alone time in nature. Whatever it is that makes you happy and fills you up – do more of that.

When you work on plugging the holes in your bucket AND filling yourself up at the same time, magic happens.
You start to feel more like yourself, you have more energy and you can be more present.
This all has a positive impact on relationships and your life experience generally.

Time to Try it Out!

None of this works if you don’t Take Action.
If nothing changes, nothing changes.
I dare you to do it!

Love Kate x

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