A blockage or distortion in your energy body can create issues in your body, relationships, flow and life in general.
Your aura or energy body is actually made up of several layers.
Think about a Russian Doll, where one fits into the next and you get the idea.
(Side note – Sometimes layers are called a body – so etheric body, emotional body etc, but essentially it’s the same thing.)
Here is a run down of how blockages or energy distortions may affect you:
1) Etheric Layer
Is the closest to the body and is connected to the base chakra.
It is thought that the etheric body contains a kind of “invisible scaffolding” and instructions for our cells, guiding and directing cells into position for healing the physical body and even assisting in the positioning of cells in a baby developing in the womb.
The energy in this layer is thought to be able to identify potential future physical illness as well, sometimes energy clearing can move energy imbalances or distortions out of this layer before they manifest in the body.
Disturbances in the etheric body may mean that there is an effect on the electrons in the cells of the physical body, and that this can interfere with healthy function.
Keeping this clear and releasing imbalances can possibly assist us to heal and to potentially avoid becoming ill in the first place.
2) Emotional Layer
Sits on top of the etheric body (so we are working outwards) and contains emotions and feelings, connected to sacral chakra. Old trauma and past emotions can get stuck here and can create blockages that stop energy from flowing freely. My own experience on working with people that are sensitive, feel teary and overwhelmed, over reacting, strung out and stressed is that they often need their emotional body clearing. It is quite common also to find that people may have repeated patterns or feelings that they repeat, and that they attract situations and other people that are a match to the emotional blockages that they have.
Clearing this makes you feel better emotionally and generally helps you to feel happier and other positive emotions, and also helps you to stop attracting in people that were perhaps a bit draining.
Working to clear energy in this layer affects the relationship with yourself in positive ways and therefore your relationship with others too.
3) Mental Layer
The next layer sits on top of the emotional layer and is connected through the solar plexus chakra.
It is associated with thought patterns and beliefs and therefore can hold on to beliefs that you have inherited from your lineage, brought in from other lifetimes or had programmed into you in this life time.
Some of these may be useful and some may be woefully outdated.
Your thoughts and beliefs assist you to navigate through your life, make decisions and drive your behaviour – if you have information in here that is sabotaging or does not serve you then this can mean that you can get very stuck.
This is also the place where we can get stuck “thoughtforms” which are repeated thoughts and ideas that gather more and more energy and then take on their own frequency and hang around sabotaging us. If you get caught up in repeated situations or arguments you may well benefit from clearing this as would people that have trouble sleeping due to a “busy mind.”
4) Astral Layer
Sitting on top of the mental body, this layer is thought to bridge the lower vibrations of the physical world and the higher frequencies of the spirit world / universe. It is connected through the heart chakra and is the link between the “lower” bodies to the “higher” bodies in your aura.
(As previously mentioned, as you move away from your physical body the energy frequencies get higher in each layer – the etheric, emotional and mental bodies are all lower in vibration)
This is where you can explore non-physical realms, where you might have out of body experiences and be able to move your consciousness into the quantum field, take a shamanic journey or visit your akashic records.
When this is blocked you may experience feelings of being unsettled or a feeling of being in between realities.
5) Etheric Template
The layer on top of the astral body and contains the blue print for the physical body before your physical body is made and is connected through the throat chakra. It is therefore the “perfect” plan or pattern for your physical body to be healthy and strong, almost like the instructions or architects plan for the etheric body to follow if we want to be well and heal.
Sometimes we need to work in this layer in order to make changes that the etheric body picks up and then energetically transmits to the physical body.
Sound healing is super effective in this layer.
This layer is also associated with communication and expression, when it is blocked or distorted you may experience difficulty in relationships and expressing yourself, creativity may not flow as easily and you may feel stuck.
6) Celestial Layer
Sits on top of the etheric body and is connected through the brow.
This is where enlightenment and awakening energy is found and where we can connect to The Divine through meditation or spiritual practices.
This part of us resonates with joy, bliss and unconditional love.
When this is blocked you can feel disconnected from The Universe, not feel a part of things and like you are an observer of life but not a participant.
Sometimes feelings of hopelessness, why bother and what’s the point can come up, a disconnection from your spiritual path and the feeling like you have no purpose.
7) Causal Layer / Ketheric Body
Connected through our crown chakra and is the outer layer of the aura.
It is the fastest moving in terms of vibration and protects all other layers, and also contains all information from the energy body as a whole.
The Causal Body is thought to be associated with reincarnation.
The information held here is taken from one life into the next, and as it contains all of the information from each layer this means that everything is passed on to the next lifetime – evidence that the more we can heal, clear, learn and evolve the less we will have to do next time and the more enlightened an experience we will have in this life and future ones.
How to Find a Blockage or Misalignment in Your Aura / Energy Body
Find a still and quiet space and centre yourself.
You may want to light a candle and play some soft music in the background.
Ask that all parts of you come into the present, you can click your fingers all around your aura and this helps.
Visualise yourself sending your energy down in to the earth through your feet, and also send it up through your crown and ask that you are connected to All That Is.
When you feel settled and present, start to bring an awareness of each layer of your aura to your consciousness one at a time. I like to start with the physical body and then move outwards.
Observe how you feel and trust your intuition.
If you get any feelings, thoughts or insights make a mental note or write them down.
Then send your attention and intention to them clearing away.
The power of observing this is enough, know that its not necessarily you doing the energy work and clearing but you are however harnessing something in Law of Attraction called The Observer Effect.
When you can generate a clear feeling that this layer of your energy body is now releasing blockages and misalignments and is balancing and moving into its correct position with good energy flow, and you can hold that feeling – you are also holding the vibration and literally observing it happening.
The Universe then starts to match your intention and observation and lines up with what you are “expecting” and assists you to clear.
It a powerful and simple way of helping yourself and its something that you can do for other people in exactly the same way, either in person or remotely. If you want some validation that you have been able to clear yourself or someone else you can always use a pendulum to ask if this is complete.
The process might be that you tune into yourself or someone else and begin to work on a specific layer of the energy body, and you may ask if there are any blockages or misalignments that need to be cleared or resolved.
You’ll get a yes or no, and if its a yes you then get still and quiet and begin to observe the clearing happening.
Afterwards you can ask if its complete.
A good checker question at that point would be to ask if there is anything else that needs to be cleared from that layer and then either move on to the next one or do more in the layer that you are working in at that time.
Integration Phase & Bubble Up
Once I have completed working on myself or someone else I spend a moment sending in an intention that all energy work is integrated for the highest and greatest good of that person, or myself.
I observe everything falling into place as it should and feel a calm energy flow.
I then visualise a bubble of protective light enveloping the person and ask that it is reinforced with high vibration love and light energy, so that it assist with protection from picking up lower vibration energy and also helps in terms of Law of Attraction and manifesting more goodness, because the more you can raise your vibration the more of the good stuff comes in!
I hope this helps you in your journey!
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You can hopefully see now how important it is to clear your energy as much as you can?
There are lots of other ways that you can do this yourself through meditation, visualisation, essences and oils, energy work and more. If you found this post useful, please leave me a comment.
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