I’m writing this at the beginning of week 4 of lockdown, and I’m wondering how everyone is doing?
I’ve adapted quite well, but not THAT much of my life has changed.
I think I’ve probably got it easier than a lot of people because I was sued to being at home the majority of the time anyway.
Or maybe I am able to say this because I adapted early?
I will say that I am resigned to the fact that this is the way of things.
Yes of course there is a longing to reconnect in person with the people I miss, but I think I’ve got my head around the fact that this is for the long haul – or a version of it is at least.

I see people posting on social media about things going back to “normal” and I sigh.
Firstly, things have surely changed forever?
And secondly, that’s got to be a good thing?

If by “normal” we mean self orientated, separate, selfish, ego driven, materialistic, brand driven and unconscious then quite honestly Fuck That.
I don’t want to go back to  that.
It was hideous, and the Lightworkers and Empaths of the world STRUGGLED with it.

We couldn’t understand why money was more important than people.
We didn’t get it that people shat on each other from a height for ego glory or to make their broken self feel better.
We cried at the news when we saw the plastic choking the ocean.
We didn’t want people relocated for an oil pipeline.
We wanted our kids to be raised to know empathy, compassion, love and connection.
I could go on and on……..

The way we lived was NOT working.
It was NOT sustainable – emotionally, psychologically, physically, financially and above all SPIRITUALLY.
This current situation is the biggest shake up humanity has had for a long, long time.
It came in packaging that we absolutely did not want – but its here now and we have to work together to find a way out of it.

Hear that?
We HAVE to work together.
Some people out there will struggle with that – because if they are still in the old paradigm of selfishness and living in ego then they are not conscious enough yet to see the value of collaboration.
Shine Bright around these people.
Show them in your acts of kindness, conscious social media shares and the way you show up generally that life can be different.
Send in the intentional vibration for them to release fear and get into love instead.
Be the example and don’t allow your ego to tell you that you are any “better” because we aren’t.
We are just further down the path, but the path is there for them to follow if they wish.
And by that I mean the path to living a more conscious life, a life where they will no longer be so self focussed, judgmental, fearful, stuck and ultimately unhappy.

Whenever you go through a shift – there is a “new normal” that emerges.
If you look back at all of the big stuff that has happened in your life, you’re likely to know that to be true.
And the “new normal” that we are heading for now will hopefully hold tight to all of the examples of conscious evolution that we are witnessing in our species at this time.

We are becoming more GRATEFUL.

We are becoming more inclusive and COMMUNITY orientated.

We are being more MINDFUL.

We are being KINDER.

We are being more CREATIVE.

We are CONNECTING more with others.

We are looking after our HEALTH.


We are DISCOVERING ourselves.

We are HEALING the old wounds and seeing what really matters.

We are SHIFTING our perspective.


These were not standard characteristics of the human race in many cases.
But we are finally seeing these traits in action.
Neighbours are looking in on the vulnerable, resources are shared, we are taking up hobbies and crafts, online yoga classes, starting to meditate and facetime our families on the regular.
The one daily walk that I am allowed to have is an absolute gift, and I am noticing so much that I didn’t before.
Bird song, the sun on my face and the fresh air in my lungs all immerse me in the perfection of the present moment and bring me joy.
Would I have felt like this before lockdown?
Probably – but probably not to the same extent.
And I don’t want to lose that feeling

We are experiencing great contrast and we need to learn from this and turn it into the wisdom that we need to create the “new normal”
I want it to be normal for as many of us as possible to keep going with the good stuff.
I want it to be normal to live in a world that is way more conscious than the one we used to.
I want to remember what it felt like to be in lockdown and make every single moment count moving forwards.
And I want YOU to want that too.
Because there is great power in intention, and humanity needs to let go of the idea of getting back to the old way.
It wasn’t working and this COULD be the rebirth that we need.

Love Kate x

My heart is breaking for all of those affected by the loss and devastation that I’m witnessing, and I want you to know that each and every night I’m calling on the Angels to support you and bring you as much comfort as possible – no matter what your struggle looks like, if you’re struggling then I’m holding space for you x


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