I sense its tricks, I can spot its lies and I have even learned a few things that force it back onto the side lines of my experience.
If you are fed up and want to claim back your driving seat, if you want to give anxiety a hefty nudge to the back seat then read on – this article is for you!
Let’s show it who’s actually the boss.
Anxiety tells you that you are a Loser.
You can’t do this because you feel anxious.
You cant go there because you think and feel anxious!
Well I say now that we can give a big F**K You to anxiety!
You ARE a winner.
You are not and never were a loser – FACT.

Top Tip 1 – Easy Wins
Easy Wins are small and even micro achievements that you credit yourself for.
They are little pockets of “winning” that you acknowledge and virtually high five yourself for during the day.
I will give you an example of mine today.
(Think of these it terms of my self talk during the day, it is supportive, real time and winning.)
I acknowledge this as a win because in the winter I find it really hard to get up and mornings are a notorious dark mood starter for me.
Winning AGAIN!
“Cleaned one room and ran the hoover over, small manageable chunks for me.”
Still winning!
This is especially important when I am feeling anxious and trying to recover from a bout of the “anxieties”.
Anxiety lies to me, stifles me and steals my opportunities for growth.
What are the micro wins that are waiting for you?
How can you notice these more and give yourself some credit?

Top Tip 2 – The Worry Jar
The kind that drive you nuts, the kind of thoughts that drill into your head and make you dizzy.
Get productive, do something with them and watch them begin to shift.
Their power over you gradually starts to diminish.
In a few days at least half of the things you worry about will be expired or have never happened in the first place.
See – I told you that you were winning!
If you struggle with anxiety, please consider trying either one or both of these ideas. They are my tried and tested super tips and they work brilliantly for me. I’ve shared them with hundreds of people and they’ve used them to help give anxiety the push and claim back their peace, and you could be next.
Good luck and keep winning!
Love Emma x
Guest Blog by Emma Eilbeck my lovely sister, experienced counsellor and co-creator of
The Happiness Map, Month of Magic and The Twelve Lessons Program.
Emma is also the co-host of Kate Spencer’s Life With Soul Podcast.
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